ASU Roybal Center seeks applications to conduct NIH Stage I-III randomized clinical trials that will develop and test mechanisms of behavioral change (MoBC)-driven and technology-enabled behavioral and lifestyle interventions for older adults living alone with cognitive decline.
These trials should test the ASU Roybal Center’s Conceptual Framework (Exhibit 1) with rigorous design to secure future funding (e.g.,NIH R01) to advance to the next Stage. We will award two trials at $150,000
total (direct + indirect) each year for two years, starting June 1, 2025 (pending NIA approval). Applicants
are strongly encouraged to seek IDCwaivers from their own institutions to maximize the direct costs for trials.
One-year no-cost extension may be considered.
The awards are for Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) as defined by the NIH, mid-career and established investigators across the U.S. Collaboration with experts in behavioral and lifestyle interventions, including with Center faculty, is encouraged but not required. The award selection process will adhere to the ASU Advancing Inclusion and Culture (AIC) guidelines.
Evaluation criteria
Applications will be evaluated on six criteria:
significance of the problem for older adults living alone with cognitive decline
ability to test ASU Roybal Center’s Conceptual Framework
methodological rigor
strength and novelty of the intervention
potential to advance to the next Stage and future funding
qualifications of the investigator team
Application Process
Step 1: Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to by 11:59pm PST on 2/18/2025 in one PDF document containing the following in order:
General Information Form
Cover page with project title
Name of Principal Investigator and project team
Contact information including mailing address, email, and telephone
Research Strategy (maximum 2 single-spaced pages with one-inch margins) describing:
significance of the problem as it relates to older adults living alone with cognitive decline
Test of an operationalized model of ASU Roybal Center’s Conceptual Framework (see Figure 1)
Enablement of behavior and lifestyle intervention by technology
Methods including design, setting, sample and sample size, control (if applicable), outcome(s), and timeline
Plan to advance to next Stage research and its NIH funding mechanism(s)
Qualifications of the investigator team
NIH Biosketch for the PI(s) and all Co-Is. Please follow biosketch instructions and examples.
Step 2: Consult with ASU Roybal Center Behavioral Intervention Development (BID) Core.
Step 3: Submit full application (1-page Specific Aims & 6-page Research Strategy). PIs who are invited to submit will receive notification by Friday, February 28 with instructions for full application submission which is due by 11:59pm PST on 3/31/2025.