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Funding Opportunity for the New Real World Data Scholars Program

Informational webinar: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM ET Register here! Application period opens: Friday, June 16 at 9 AM ET Applications due:

Friday, August 4, 2023 by 5 PM ET

The Long-Term Care (LTC) Data Cooperative announces a request for applications for the newly established 2023 Real World Data Scholars Program. This program supports the development of advanced graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early-career faculty who are interested in developing their expertise and experience in working with electronic health record (EHR) data.

The program offers a unique opportunity to be among the first users of the LTC Data Cooperative’s EHR data and to characterize the data for future users through validation and analyses. It is available for investigators at all levels who are interested in developing their expertise and experience working with EHR data.

The Real World Data Scholars Program will fund up to three investigators for a 12-month training grant. Selected scholars will work with the designers of the LTC Data Cooperative to test and establish the validity or reliability of key measures within this new data resource. Accepted scholars will be partnered with a mentor who is well-versed in analyzing EHR data and can provide support and direction for scholars.

Awards are for 12 months and up to $50,000 in direct costs; awardees are expected to devote 25-50% effort toward the goals of the program. Indirect costs are calculated at 8%. Applicants should be experienced using large-scale administrative and/or clinical data (e.g., EHR data, Medicare claims, Minimum Data Set, registry data, etc.). Individuals with a background in pharmacoepidemiology, natural language processing, or clinical investigations are also encouraged to apply. Applicants from under-represented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applicants must be associated with an academic institution or academic medical center and be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. All research must be performed within the United States.

The RFA, including instructions to apply, can be found here.

Email with questions.

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